Lion’s Gate Infinity Portal 8/8/2022

— BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Lessons from a Living Lemuria… * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template… * Masters of the Matrix…

Your Lion’s Gate portal begins on or around July 26th 2022 and continues through to around the 15th or 16th of August, wherever you are in the world, with the peak (singularity of the portal) occurring on the 8th of August. — The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine. Philosophical, metaphysical poetry and storytelling by Magenta Pixie. — Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick.

Magenta Pixie Website:

Magenta Pixie Products:


— MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream… * Sacred Quest… * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle… — * Support Magenta Pixie – Donations Gratefully Received *…

~By Serving the Love I Am, I am Serving the One, Equal The All, Equal All of US. By Serving the Love I AM, I am Trusting Love in ALL Moments of My Experience. When I Am Trusting Love, Love Serves Me. There is nothing for me to do and Everything to BE in All Moments.

As I Serve Love and Love Serves Me, the More Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness of Being, I Feel and Experience in All My Present Moments of NOW.

The True Reality of Who I Really Am, Love, is Now Being Born from My Being in Every Present Moment of Now. I Am Becoming The Unique God I Am Incarnate on Planet Earth=Heart. As this Occurs, My Soul Begins Expanding and I Marry with Creation and Love. Stepping into the Unknowable, I Become a Bright New Star of Brilliance. And So It is On Earth, as it Is in Heaven. EARTH=HEAVEN. I AM Love, and I Am God~

~Prime Source~


The change is upon us… We have begun the collective transition of conscious transformation, with temporal reality fractured, things that we once found comfort in have become more insignificant. 

Endless searchs for grounding touchstones in a weightless world. 
Our spiritual centers become the strongest connection to the divine source,

Nothing external will fill the void.

With futures uncertain, we’re asked to observe our manifesting thoughts.
The only thing that brings balance to our vibration and frequencies is Love. 
Love of self, that radiates out to love others, And the connection to the love of others divinely connects us to “Love All Things.”

The shackles of false human loyalties are continuing to fall away. Our core connections becoming more emboldened and memories of life purposes begin to manifest. Stay aware of the opportunities that present themselves for growth. Subtle messages begin to trigger divine awareness. The strings of the collective purse to unite.

Divine hands reach out to the souls that find themselves in a sea of troubles. The choice to struggle is theirs. Judgements become impermenant reflections that evaporate with presence. Kind loving words offer solace and guidance.

Temperament is a jewel in the crown of the divine. 

The full power of creation is returned; A new reality has dawned. The impostors are banished to a world of their making -God Speed! 

Burr hooks released – and good riddance. No judgment, and safe travels. We become faint memories for a divine template of rediscovery with the presence of mindful persuits. We are the fledgling elders, masked as butterflies of innocence. An orchestra of natural sounds harken our jubilant return for celebration. Fireworks of sacred geometry illuminate awareness

Channeled message:

By me, myself, and I am!

We are entering a period of instant manifestation. And right now it is critical that you keep your focus only where it needs to be. Don’t worry about things too far in advance. Because you will in turn…bring it right to you. Instead of worrying so much. Take things as they come.
Don’t put yourself into a position where you will be greatly affected… ignoring critical bills etc….but put less energy into constantly worrying about them because people will be in this instant manifestation mode and what you ask the universe for. It will be immediately brought to you. So, learn how to communicate with the universe and feed the 3d matrix lifestyle and problems the absolute least amount of energy to maintain sustainability. If you constantly worry about bills every day. Guess what’s going to keep landing in your lap?
Focus on your higher self….and take things as they come. Make small preparations and scheduling where needed to survive for the time being but back yourself out of constantly worrying about things you don’t want to be in your life. Because now more than ever….they will be brought to you.

We are in the sorting of souls process. If you have been disconnected from family and friends. Even friends you have known your entire life…and have abruptly just had the relationship fall apart. This is a preparation for you and an indication that you and that person or people….will not be going to the same destination. It’s highly likely they either are going to go to 3d…..or they are not ascending and have a different destination. This sorting of souls process will become a LOT more evident as the month plays out.

Remember. From this period on…..what you focus on. Will become. So if you have trouble with worrying about shit. Prepare yourself to get smacked across the face with whatever it is that you worry about.
Saying….ha!!! See…I told you it would happen… not being precognitive. You are literally manifesting it. Big difference.

Same with all the conspiracy theorists. Same shit. They are gloating because a lot of them came true. Well…..that’s because many focused on it….and it became. See how it works?
This is the chapter where you will be forced to learn how to use your energy appropriately. And if you don’t….what you manifest will become very quickly In your face. So, anything 3d. ….let it go until it needs to be addressed. And give it the least amount of energy possible so you are not adding to its potential.
Very soon none of this bullshit….this 3d life and everything in between will even matter. It will be gone. We are leaving it behind. So why focus on it now?

Deal with what you have too…..and let the rest fall by the wayside until it must be addressed. Within reason of course. Don’t put yourself out thinking you are going to ascend before your next rent payment lol.
Instead. manifest the rent being paid…..and handled….instead of worrying about the date or the bill arriving.

A great way to learn to manifest is saying this….
I am grateful for this particular thing being manifested for me. I trust that it is already in the works being brought to me or handled and I am thankful for it becoming.
Try it. Know it’s already in the works. Know you already have it. Trust that it is being handled and addressed.
The rest….will fall into place

Love you all. Hope you had a stellar day.



Telegram: Tarot By Janine Channel

If you are behind on your ascension. You are currently being fast tracked. Or…dragged as pandora would say.
Basically what’s happening is we are receiving a massive amount of info downloads in a very short period of time to help wake up the sleepy sheepy. Some are going to handle this very well and others are going to be quite shell shocked.
I had a dude at work look at me WILD eyed today asking wtf was going on with him. He almost went home because of how overwhelmed he was getting with his downloads. He felt both big shifts today and wanted answers. All I told him was buckle up fucker. It’s about to get real lol
This is very much the real deal. If people choose to try to sleep….and they are meant to ascend as they are good hearted people….their asses are going to get dragged. No more time is allowed for preparation to ascend. It’s get on board now the ship is sailing.
I know many of you feel the changes in the air and you can expect the ones who aren’t awake….to begin to really ask questions and to notice that something is a bit off with the world and how they feel. Again. Some will be handling it well. Others may ascend kicking and screaming. Allow them their moment of freak out and give them the space they need to process the rush of emotions and downloads they are recieving. Some of these people have been so asleep they have no idea what it’s like to FEEL anything.
I said buckle up early this week and I meant it.
This is going to get legendary.
For some…a good thing.
For others. Not so much.
Allow for the processes to unfold as they should and be sure to catch any soul family slippin or freaking out.
Healers…this is your roll call. Allow people to heal….but also mention to them that if they are meant to ascend, they will have no choice but to process a large amount of energy in a short period of time.
This is needed in order to help facilitate the large reality shift everyone had been waiting on.
Sending my love and support..

Attribution: Tarot By Janine Channel

Telegram (

Attribution with some slight retractions: 

Telegram (Tarot By Janine Channel)

>>> THE EVENT <<<

I come at this time, in this opportune time, these Times that are approaching now. You have heard of the coming Great Announcements. You have heard of many great Changes that are coming to Planet Earth, of the many seemingly positive changes.

But before the positive Changes come, there must first be those things that bring the Great Awakening forward – the falling of the present Political Establishment with its unjust and incorrect Laws, and Rules – all of that is coming down. See that happening, because that is what is happening now. Even though it does not appear to be so, it is. Everything is coming together exactly as it needs to, and you are in that cusp right now with the Great Awakening that is occurring across the Planet. And not only across the Planet, but the Solar System and your Galaxy.

All is coming together and all is happening in the moment now. Even now, the Great Awakening is proceeding forward. The fall of the present social Establishment as you have come to know it. It cannot, and could not, and will not continue as it has. It is not possible. For life to continue here on this Planet, you must all come into this Awakening Process. All across the Planet must come into this Awakening.

And that is what the Three Waves of Ascension are all about: it is to allow for this Awakening to happen as more and more people become ready and prepared for it. Each and every one of you that resonate to my words, you have been preparing for it, and as I have said many times, through acclimatising yourselves and your bodies to these powerful incoming Celestial Energies of transformation.

And as these Great Waves of Celestial Energies continue to come in, they become more and more forceful. That is what is creating the chaos that is happening across the Planet. As these Energies become stronger and stronger, it is bringing the Awakening to those that have been asleep for so long.

And those Dark Ones that have been attempting to hold onto their control are doing everything that they can now more and more to hold on to that control. They are pulling out all the stops, you might say, everything they can, to follow their dark Plan that they have had up till now. But, they can no longer do it, even though they attempt to hold on and attempt to do these various things that have worked for them in the past. Those efforts are no longer working, and cannot work.

Your Awakening can no longer be stopped. And you are approaching that Time Period we have been preparing you for so long. In every one of your various meditations, you have been preparing for the Grand Event, the Great Event, THE EVENT, the Solar Flash. You have been preparing for this, so that when it happens, you are ready for it. And then you can indeed turn around and assist those that may not understand what is going on when they see this great flash in the sky.

Dates cannot be given at this point. But that does not mean it is not imminent. Just understand that.


My most Loving Greetings to all Souls. Yes, we are at the Ending Time of this Civilization, and are on “Red Alert” for the Final Word from Mother Earth on her tilting of Planet Earth’s Axis. We do not know the exact minute, so I cannot answer your pleas towards coming home to your Higher Spiritual Worlds or exactly when that shall happen, however, I can tell you it is to be anytime now.

I do know that the Lighted Realms are most pleased and thrilled that all you Lightworkers have fulfilled their Mission with flying colours, and have greatly helped towards clearing the Dark Forces from Mother Earth, the Moon and this Solar System.

I can say that the accomplishment was done by the Lightworkers without any ego of personal gain, and that it has all helped clear the way for St. Germain to invoke the Violet Flame of Transmutation which has filled the surrounding Ethers to the brim. This has never happened before since this Creation was first created by our Source Creator.


…What is most important at this time of waiting for the “Last Trumpet Call” is to take care of yourselves. I know that you Lightworkers are exhausted and ready to drop. Let me explain part of this exhaustion. The important details of the coming Earth Ascension processes that you need to be informed of.

I hear that you feel like you have never slept all night and get up as tired as when you laid down to rest. But you are Etherically in the Lighted Realms most of the night.

I foresee no more Earth Missions, but it is still most important for you to take time for self and read and meditate each day. I do not suggest for hours on end, but to nonetheless set aside a suitable time when you can commune with us.

Coming home to your Spiritual Realms is to be anytime now, but you are nevertheless advised to keep on with your personal Spiritual Growth, and not spend these last precious moments just wishing to be back in your Home worlds. You are in our Light-Beam constantly, and are protected from all the evil that may seek to harm you. You must also ask for guidance from your Spiritual Guides to become more centred, focused, balanced and calm, and to clear yourself often from any remaining Karmic blockages from the Past.

Remember that each day that you are still on Earth is a Great Gift from Mother Earth of spiritual and evolutionary learning. Use it for your Soul Growth and give out Liquid Love and Light to all. I do indeed foresee that the End of this Civilization “as we know it” is now upon us.


The world is now at a point of almost total corruption in all of society’s “systems” – political, financial, legal, judicial, pharmaceutical, environmental, corporations, healthcare, religion, science, education, food production, journalism, entertainment, ‘humanitarian aid’, ‘child protective services’, and anything else you can think of. Systems that supposedly exist to serve the betterment of people, communities, states, and countries, but are now just authorities of control and exploitation over the people.

It is high time for humanity to ‘exit The Matrix’, but this must be accomplished on an individual basis, one-by-one, realizing that every worldly system of authority is a deception, a system of control, and the opposite of what it claims to be. Then when enough individuals are awake, they will be able to work together towards a new genuine way of life by combining their efforts and ideas with others who are awake locally, in groups of family, friends, and neighbors. I think that is the only way that daily life will fundamentally change and people can build a new way of life that is not dependent on the systems.



The only possibility for an ‘awakening’ to succeed in a significant and lasting manner is if the tipping point is reached, in terms of the percentage of awakened people in the population. Otherwise, the system will continue to be able to segregate out the few who do not accept the programming and the slavery. (as “anomalies” that the controllers have been unable to completely eliminate “from what is otherwise a harmonious system.” While it remains a burden to deal with, “it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.”)

The system confines the free-thinkers to dark corners of society where they are relatively free but never a threat, until the numbers of these nonconformists grow to where they might be able to accomplish something. At that point the system crushes the will, the resources, and the reputations of these small groups. (“Rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed [your haven of freedom and safety]. and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.”)

I’m starting to see why a “great awakening” is the only possible way, and also why it is taking so long. The hope of a swift military solution seems unrealistic to me now, and it would most liekly not solve the root problems or provide long term stability.

>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Attribution with some slight retractions:

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Matt Kahn All For Love

To purchase the stream of this event in its entirety, click here:… This is an excerpt from the full-length Holiday Spectacular, a special group healing event. Order Matt’s new book, “Everything is Here to Help You” at:… Please join tens of thousands of people from around the globe in a monthly transmission Matt runs called ‘Project Resolution’: Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has A Plan. He is a spiritual teacher and highly-attuned empathic healer who serves the awakening and evolution of all sentient beings through his heart-centered offerings. His global audience finds the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened, and empowered to the greatest possibilities in life during this critical time in history. Matt’s spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-body experience in early childhood, and through his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangels throughout his life. Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt offers revolutionary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assist energetically sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.

founder of 360SOULBy F. Emelia Sam, DDS

Relationships provide the opportunity to teach us many lessons. Whether it’s between parent-child, friends, or even strangers, we can learn so much more about ourselves in relation to others.

On some level, every relationship is sacred as it holds opportunity for us to grow. However, there’s something distinct about the intimate relationship shared by lovers. Our partners are not defined by genetics or familial bonds. We’re not necessarily thrown into proximity by way of work or school environments. We choose willingly to enter into relationship with them. In addition, there’s the added component of physical intimacy.

Here are five characteristics of healthy, sacred relationships:

1. You can be yourself. 

In a sacred partnership, you won’t feel the need for self-censorship. You feel free to show the spectrum of who you are and lose the masks often worn in society.

Even though you may still feel self-conscious about some of your behaviors, you work through your hesitation and often end up laughing at yourself. In the presence of this other, you are more accepting of the things you once tried to hide.

2. You maintain individuality. 

Even though all barriers have been removed to allow room for your significant other, you still find independence within the relationship. Though you share many things together, you still have some of your own interests and pursuits.

You are not reliant on the other’s presence to fully function or feel whole, nor would your partner expect or demand otherwise. Your partner supports and encourages your individuality, as do you for them.

3. You have a mutual desire for personal evolution.

Consciously sacred connections always move in the direction of growth: for the partnership and for each individual. A desire to impede the growth of the other for one’s comfort is a manifestation of fear. Even when one is concerned that the relationship may dissolve, they accept that their paths may diverge for the benefit of both. Evolution is put before personal gain.

4. You “hold space” for each other.

The art of holding space for another is rooted in love and respect. It means listening to them wholeheartedly and letting them know by your complete presence that they are seen and valued. It’s not a space where you try to fix the other person. It’s about being witness to the totality of your beloved.

5. You’re peaceful. 

Life doesn’t feel blissful all of the time, nor will any relationship. However, the majority of time spent together will be peaceful. Interactions with each other will leave each party feeling invigorated as opposed to drained.

An undercurrent of anxiety is not desirable to either individual. Though there may be stressful situations (schedules, children, relatives, job demands, etc.) both parties are committed to reinforcing their bond with minimal friction.

In conclusion, highly sacred relationships present a number of characteristics. These qualities can be seen in all types of relationships, but meet specific challenges in the romantic realm. Some unions will last a lifetime and others are brief. The one thing all have in common is that they provide some of the most transformative interactions you can experience.

Heart Chakra Meditations and Music are each always helpful as a way of aligning and recentering. Here is that ‘now’ practice – Feel & Enjoy

The Guided Meditation

This beautiful, relaxing music seems to have such a heart-opening effect on everyone who listens to it. We ask you to share this video with everyone you know and love, so that they too can experience a few moments of musical bliss in their day. This music is called “Divine Love”. It’s part of an album of relaxing chakra music called Seven Sacred Centers which is available from http://www.the-guided-meditation-site….

Please take a moment to relax and open yourself up to this soothing music. Listen with your eyes closed if you like, and really feel what you hear. Allow the music to open your heart…in whatever way is natural for you. It is my sincere hope that this music will inspire you, heal you, open your heart and bring you peace. Christopher Lloyd Clarke Composer